Shofar B’Tsibbur – Rosh Hashanah Public Shofar Sounding Events
The Toronto Board of Rabbis is proud to help coordinate public shofar soundings this Rosh HaShanah. Below are participating synagogues and the areas they serve. Please contact the synagogues directly to register. This list will be regularly updated as new information becomes available.
Adath Israel Bathurst & Wilson
Beth David Clanton Park/Bathurst Manor/Armour Heights
Beth Emeth Bathurst Manor
Beth Tzedec Congregation Forest Hill
Cityshul, First Narayever and Makom Downtown
Danforth Jewish Circle Riverdale/East End
Darchei Noam Bathurst Manor
Holy Blossom Temple Forest Hill
Temple Har Zion Thornhill/Markham