Pikuach Nefesh, Are you a Match?

My name is Barb and I grew up in Toronto.

My husband is ill and needs a Liver Transplant.  He is on the Organ Transplant List, which is controlled by Trillium Gift of Life Network.  It’s a long list, and when an organ from someone who has passed away becomes available, priority is given to the sickest individual on the list.

There is another way – called a Living Liver Organ Transplant. An individual donates between 50 to 60% of their liver to the recipient.  Within approximately 8 weeks, the liver grows back to 90% of it’s original size and functionality.  Within a year, the liver regains 100% of it’s size and function.

Toronto General Hospital has performed over 800 Living Liver Transplants since 1990.  Since 1985, they have performed over 3000 adult liver transplants.

Our campaign is called “Liver and Let Live”.  We have a website, presence on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and Twitter. I have enclosed the links to each of these.

The High Holidays are a few weeks away.  In this note, I have 4 requests:

  • Share our story – information which you can use for a newsletter, flyer, informal conversation with your membership etc. is enclosed
  • Our flyer for the Jewish Community – this can be posted in your shul, or sent as an attachment (2 versions – 1 for printing, one for electronic communications)
  • Daven for Darrel – we have individuals davening for my husband’s health across 7 continents, and would be honoured if you would add his name to your prayers – Daniel Nocham ben Solga
  • Hear our story.  I would be happy to come to your shul and speak to your congregation.  This could be during a service, a kiddush or we can set a small event up. If you are interested, let’s talk!

Thank you in advance for the consideration of sharing our story with your members.

Shana Tova Umetukah!

Barb Wiseberg

Liver and Let Live

Cell/Text: (416) 827-0076
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and Twitter – LiverandLetLive

UHN (University Health Network – which Toronto General Hospital is part of) – Link to Living Liver Donor Program: https://www.uhn.ca/Transplant/Living_Donor_Program/Pages/living_liver_donor.aspx